How to Prepare a Lawn for Overseeding
What should you do if you have a lawn that has more dead spots than green spots?
In short, the answer is to overseed the lawn in order to get it to green back up. The same thing can be accomplished when you want to keep your lawn green during the winter. It all comes down to knowing what types of seed to put down and when to do it.

Mow The Lawn
The first thing you want to do before you do any type of overseeding is to mow the lawn. Make sure that you mow it as short as possible.

Use A Seed Spreader
If you've got any kind of a lawn of any size, this is almost a necessary piece of equipment. It makes it so much easier to overseed your lawn properly without taking forever in order to do it.

Fertilize The Yard
In order to make sure that the new grass seed takes, it's imperative that you fertilize the yard after you get done spreading the seed. You can do that with the seed spreader as well, but it's imperative that you do it.

Water Frequently
This is especially important right after you spread all of the grass seed and you fertilize the lawn. If you fail to water it, you're probably not going to get the results you want, especially when you consider the fact that most fertilizer is activated by water.
Follow Directions Based
On Your Region
This is the only part that can be a little bit confusing for some people. The rest of it is pretty straightforward when it comes to getting your lawn ready for overseeding. The thing that's crucial here is that you want to use the correct products in order to achieve the goal you want.
Use Products Of The Highest Quality
This one should be a no-brainer. If you want good results, you have to choose quality products in order to get them. Things aren't nearly as likely to work if you go out and buy the cheapest possible products you can get your hands on and then hope for the best.